

Page history last edited by Hugh 3 years, 8 months ago

Meet the BPRD



Our Heroes Are:


  • Choopy Cabra, a chupacabra given human-level intelligence by a mad scientist, possibly the evil nazi Dr. Maximillian Wahnhosen.  An experienced BPRD agent.  Played by Clare Ford.

  • Nicolae "Nic" Jonker, a Romanian Dwarf, raised in the United States, living rough on the streets, mostly.  He can forge magical items, spot magical items, and has an uncontrolled power to magically enforce any promise made to him, or that he makes.  He joined the BPRD to find a stable home and a forge.  His head looks like a giant rat's head.  Played by Michael Blum.

  • Gordon M. Fairbanks, a Canadian military serviceman.  While on maneuvers with his squad in the Great North Woods, he encountered a Wendigo.  During the conflict, Gordon was surprised to find a spirit guide giving him advice on how to kill the Wendigo (shoot it a lot, stab it a lot) and how to keep the curse from transferring to the person who kills it (cut out its icy frozen heart and burn it in a fire).  Gordon is descended from a line of Native shamans, and many spirits are interested enough in him to help him out from time to time.  Played by Hugh Tracy.

  • Violet Wood, an adventurous investigator who was trapped in suspended animation in the 1930's, awakened in 1988 and recruited into the BPRD in 1989.  She is highly skilled with rifle, and may retain some unusual abilities from her time in the faery realms.  Played by Robin Buell

  • Crunch, a raccoon with human-level sapience.  Played by Thomas Dorr.

  • Neat-O, an AI in a cleaning-robot chassis.  Found by the BPRD in Detroit, during the Night of the Movie Monsters. Played by Alexis Elder.





Let's Do Lunch

The Adventure of the Albino Alligators

The Mysterious Mauling at Hotel Tolling

Rescue at Selva Verde Ranch

The Hades Casino

Vegas Continued

Meeting the First Bargainer

Who's Next

I've Got A Little List

The Hammanals! or, On the Road to Mykonos

Haunting of Griggs House




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